Safeguarding Audit

Annual Safeguarding Audits

For some years in Scotland information has been collected about all those working with children and vulnerable adults on Church premises across the country. Parishes, dioceses, religious congregations and Catholic organisations are asked to complete an audit form, answering questions about how they are complying with the safeguarding standards of IN GOD's IMAGE.  Key purposes of the annual audit are TO STIMULATE REFLECTION on safeguarding practice and to provide an evidence-based platform on which TO PLAN FOR IMPROVING PRACTICE. 

Analysis of the data gathered in each year’s audit informs ongoing safeguarding work, enabling those responsible for safeguarding to see what is working well, to identify what needs to be improved and to plan for that improvement. Completed audits show where there are potential risks or vulnerabilities so that these can be prioritised for action.

Details of key dates and resources for the annual audit exercise are provided below.

Safeguarding Audit 2022 - key dates

by w/b 9th January 2023 SCSSA emails Guidance notes and links to online Audits to Dioceses, Parishes, Religious Congregations and Catholic Organisations.
Dioceses forward Parish Audit details to parishes.
Jan. & Feb. Parishes, religious institutes & Catholic organisations prepare to complete Safeguarding audits.
Dioceses provide support to parishes completing audits
by 17th February 2023 Closing date for Parishes, Religious Congregations and Catholic Organisations to submit Audits.
mid-Feb - mid-March 2023 DSAGs analyse Parish Audits to collate data and consider issues for Diocesan Audits.
CRSSC analyse data from Religious audits and prepare a summary report.
SCSSA analyse data from Organisation audits and prepare a summary report.
5th March SCSSA provides Summary Reports on audits from: Parishes, Religious institutes & Catholic organisations
by 17th March 2023 Closing date for Dioceses to submit Diocesan Audits
SCSSA provides Dioceses with Diocesan Action Plan template
by 17th April 2023 SCSSA offers 'critical friend' conversations with each Diocese on its draft Diocesan Action Plan
by 19th May 2023 Dioceses submit final Diocesan Action Plans
June - November 2023 Ongoing monitoring of Action Plans in Dioceses, Parishes, Religious Congregations and Catholic Organisations.